Múdate sin estrés

We all know that a move comes with stress, anxiety, uncertainty, chaos. Etc…

Whether it’s a small/large move, local/international, with or without children, with or without pets, it requires us to organise our whole lives in boxes and then arrange all our belongings somewhere else.

Moving means losing what has been our comfort zone for a while, so you will feel strange at first, as if you have no home. You will experience changes and that sometimes comes with a flood of new or unpleasant feelings such as fear of change, regrets about having moved, and a lot of other new or unpleasant feelings.

How to cope with the bad feelings caused by moving house?

sensaciones que provocan las mudanzas

1. Clean up

Throwing away what you no longer use causes mental relaxation.

2. Label each box

Where it goes, what it contains… this will save you stress when looking for something specific.

Haz limpieza

3. When you arrive at your new house, place each box in the room it goes in.

Avoid having boxes in the way, this will save you a lot of aggravation.

4. Breathe

Once you’re in your new home, you’re almost done with the move, you don’t have to pack anything and you don’t have to be in a hurry to unpack. Open the most necessary boxes and the rest you need to do a little at a time.


5. Familiarise yourself with your new home

It will be strange and unfamiliar territory at first. Look for decorations you like and make it your own.

6. Don’t spend all your time thinking about the move.

Air yourself out and make plans that distract you.

7. Fall in love with your surroundings

Visit nearby restaurants, shops or parks and spend time in them.


Remember that as soon as a little time passes you will feel your house and area as a new home and you will start to create new memories.